Python for DevOps: Mastering Dictionaries and API Interactions with GitHub


2 min read


Understanding Dictionaries in Python

Why Dictionaries?

Dictionaries solve a common problem in data representation by using key-value pairs. Unlike lists, which store items in a sequential manner, dictionaries allow you to:

  • Store complex properties of objects

  • Create more readable and structured data

  • Easily access specific information by its key

Key Characteristics of Dictionaries

  • Created using curly braces {}

  • Consist of key-value pairs

  • Keys must be unique

  • Ideal for storing multiple properties of an object

Example: Student Information

student_info = {
    "name": "Abi",
    "age": 10,
    "class": "11th"

# Accessing values
print(student_info["name"])  # Output: Abi

Practical Use Case: GitHub API Interaction

Solving a Real-World DevOps Task

The tutorial demonstrates how to fetch pull request information from a GitHub repository using Python's requests module.

Step-by-Step Implementation

  1. Install the requests module

  2. Import the module

  3. Make an API call to GitHub

  4. Convert JSON response to a dictionary

  5. Extract and process the required information

Sample Code

import requests

# GitHub API URL for Kubernetes repository
url = ""

# Make the API call
response = requests.get(url)

# Convert response to dictionary
complete_details = response.json()

# Print usernames of pull request creators
for user_data in complete_details:

Brief Introduction to Sets

While not as extensively used in DevOps, sets provide unique functionality:

  • Store only unique elements

  • Useful for operations like checking unique S3 bucket names

  • Support mathematical set operations (union, intersection, difference)


#Creating a set
s3_bucket_names = {"bucket1", "bucket2", "bucket3"}
#Duplicate values are automatically removed

Key Takeaways

  • Dictionaries are powerful for storing structured, key-value data

  • Python's requests module simplifies API interactions

  • Understanding data structures is crucial for effective DevOps scripting


Mastering dictionaries and API interactions opens up numerous possibilities for DevOps engineers. Practice and experimentation are key to becoming proficient.

Additional Resources